March 18, 2011

Arab Spring

Arab Spring was a glow on the horizon, a light rising in the east. So much hope, so exciting to see the beginning of Arab Angles Rising to stand strong against the Arab Demons. An awakening of a thousand years coming. The whole world was watching with excitement the coming of a new dawn, the kind of beginning that changes history.

But wait, a Twelfth Century Thug, a full grown male criminal of the highest order has sic-ed the dogs on his people, he robs them, he rapes them, he pillages and plunders them, he kills them by the thousands, all who gets in his way are to be taken out. We wittiness an Old Patriarchal System coming up for air and fighting for his dieing breath, he is  being as mean a he can, as deadly as he can, as fast as he can, doing the most damage while the world turns its head. 

Where are we today? Are we willing to watch a kid get killed on the street and do nothing? Are we as a global society ready to all stand by and watch, as the Mad Dog nut case who blows 747's out of the sky, is now bombing "his" people? Does he own these people he hold in his prison country? Are any people "here or there" at the whim of the Goon paying other Goons to go out and just kill the people? Are we really going to make no effort to stop the "Play Ground Bully" who has grown big on the land to the point that he is central to the world. 

Excuse me folks, this is embarrassing, this is shameful for all of the world who will do nothing but whimper and wine about all they can't do. Folks we as a people ought to really think hard about all that we stand for. Do we really want watching thousands of people who ask only that the Troll/Goon/Thug/Criminal is gone from their lives and that they want freedom. And we don't understand that, and we are willing to say, "sorry folks" there is just nothing we can do. So we have decided to just watch you die. We really wish we could help but we just can't get involved, so you go ahead and kill who ever you want to and by the way, "how much for your oil?" Yea, just call us when you get this Death March over with. 

World, I am ashamed of you. You gathered to watch the Arab Garden Bloom. You set by and watched the Arab Spring go dark and loose its blossom. This will come to haunt us all if we do indeed do nothing, how stupid and sad. We are at a turning point of the first magnitude, but the old males can not turn loose, can not let go, can not Give to Receive, they still rule the old way. And, we are still accepting it. What a serious bit of B S this is.  

This is a sad time.

James Surls

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